• Mission

    Preserving the multifacetedness of the pharmaceutical market and equal opportunities for all market participants

    Development Opportunities

    Promotion and representation of the product in unreached territories

    Benefits of our customers

    Increase business profitability

  • Marketing department

    Marketing services to promote medicines on the market
    • Obtaining permission to conduct promotional work on the territory of the Republic in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan for each medicinal product
    • Promotion of medicines on the market, using own staff of medical representatives
    • Promotion of drugs with a wide coverage of outpatients and pharmacists of the first table
    • Work with leading and large treatment and prophylactic institutions (TPI), departmental medical institutions, specialists in various fields
    • Organization and holding of round tables and interactive seminars for doctors and pharmacists
    • Organization, conduct and participation in medical symposia and conferences
    • Work with pharmacies, including the introduction of the product in the pharmacy range
    • Development of an individual promotion program for each drug
    • Ensuring the necessary frequency and cyclicity, as well as the forms of visits of medical representatives
    • Determining the correct content of visits and information materials
    Development Opportunities
    • Pharmacies - increase in business profitability
    • Manufacturer - promotion and representation of the product in unreached territories
    • Distributor - customer retention in the market
    • Benefits of our clients
    Increase business profitability
    • Decrease in the level of overdue accounts receivable to suppliersOptimal product portfolio
    • Information Security
    • Motivation of staff to increase business profitability
    • Staff development